La estafa del Coliseo / Geronimo Stilton ; [traducción, Manuel Manzano]
by Stilton, Geronimo [Author]; Manzano, Manuel [Illustrator].
Type: BookSeries: Gerónimo Stilton ;2.Publisher: Barcelona :Planeta Junior ,2009 Edition: 1ª ed.Description: 48 p :principalmente il. col ;30cm.ISBN: 9788408086116.Subject(s): Aventuras | Misterio | Humor | Roma (Ciudad) -- DescripciónOnline resources: Click here to access online List(s) this item appears in: GERONIMO STILTONThis record has many physical items (96). Click here to view them all.
Tít. orig.: La truffa del Colosseo
3º-4º Primaria